Thursday, May 27, 2010

OWB11g R2 impressions

Standalone version of OWB11g R2 for Windows has been released in april 2010. This event pushed me to deep learning of new OWB release.

What is good:
1) now OWB is multiplatform tool which allow to use any RDBMS as target

What is bad:
1) bug which prevent deployment of processflow packages from Design Center/Control Center Manager
2) by default OWB generate execution unit in Template Mapping with the same name (worlaround - always rename execution unit and that name is unique across target/stage database)
3) substitution API differs from ODI (API calls work in different way than in ODI)
4) new OWB GUI is less usable (slower and provide smaler working area in mapping/processflow editors) compared to previous release

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