namespace eval ::owbeg {}
set currContext [OMBDCC]
set currCtxType [lindex $currContext 0]
set currContext [lindex $currContext 1]
#check current context type?
set tgtTableList [OMBLIST TABLES]
set ::owbeg::V_MAP_NAME MAP_TEST
set ::owbeg::P_SRC_TABLE [file join $currContext [lindex $tgtTableList 0]]
set ::owbeg::G_PARTYID_LIST bk1
set ::owbeg::P_TGT_TABLE [file join $currContext [lindex $tgtTableList 0]]
set ::owbeg::G_DET_PARTYID_LIST partyid
set ::owbeg::G_DET_STARTDATE_NAME start_date
set ::owbeg::G_DET_FINALDATE_NAME end_date
set ::owbeg::P_HISTID_SEQ seq_1
set tgtTableColumns [OMBRETRIEVE TABLE '$::owbeg::P_TGT_TABLE' GET COLUMNS]
wm title . "Parameters for SCD2 mapping generator"
frame .fttl
frame .fbot
frame .fsrc
frame .ftgt
label .fttl.lb_mapname -text "Mapping name"
entry .fttl.entr_mapname -textvariable ::owbeg::V_MAP_NAME -width 40
grid .fttl.lb_mapname
grid .fttl.entr_mapname
button .fbot.butok -text "Generate" -command "run_gen_proc"
grid .fbot.butok
label .fsrc.lb_srctab -text "Source table"
button .fsrc.but_srctab -text "Choose" -command "chooseSrcTable"
entry .fsrc.entr_srctab -textvariable ::owbeg::P_SRC_TABLE -width 25
label .fsrc.lb_srcbuskey -text "BusinessKey column"
jcombobox .fsrc.cb_srcbuskey -variable ::owbeg::G_PARTYID_LIST -width 10
eval ".fsrc.cb_srcbuskey item append $tgtTableColumns"
grid .fsrc.lb_srctab .fsrc.but_srctab -sticky wn
grid .fsrc.entr_srctab -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .fsrc.lb_srcbuskey -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .fsrc.cb_srcbuskey -columnspan 2 -sticky w
label .ftgt.lb_tgttab -text "Target table"
button .ftgt.but_tgttab -text "Choose" -command "chooseTgtTable"
entry .ftgt.entr_tgttab -textvariable ::owbeg::P_TGT_TABLE -width 25
label .ftgt.lb_tgtbuskey -text "BusinessKey column"
jcombobox .ftgt.cb_tgtbuskey -variable ::owbeg::G_DET_PARTYID_LIST -width 10
eval ".ftgt.cb_tgtbuskey item append $tgtTableColumns"
label .ftgt.lb_tgthistid -text "Dimension key column"
jcombobox .ftgt.cb_tgthistid -variable ::owbeg::G_DET_HISTID_NAME -width 10
eval ".ftgt.cb_tgthistid item append $tgtTableColumns"
label .ftgt.lb_tgtstrtdate -text "Start date column"
jcombobox .ftgt.cb_tgtstrtdate -variable ::owbeg::G_DET_STARTDATE_NAME -width 10
eval ".ftgt.cb_tgtstrtdate item append $tgtTableColumns"
label .ftgt.lb_tgtenddate -text "End date column"
jcombobox .ftgt.cb_tgtenddate -variable ::owbeg::G_DET_ENDDATE_NAME -width 20
eval ".ftgt.cb_tgtenddate item append $tgtTableColumns"
label .ftgt.lb_seqname -text "Dimension key sequence"
jcombobox .ftgt.cb_seqname -variable ::owbeg::P_HISTID_SEQ -width 20
eval ".ftgt.cb_seqname item append $tgtSeqList"
grid .ftgt.lb_tgttab .ftgt.but_tgttab -sticky w
grid .ftgt.entr_tgttab -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.lb_tgtbuskey -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.cb_tgtbuskey -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.lb_tgthistid -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.cb_tgthistid -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.lb_tgtstrtdate -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.cb_tgtstrtdate -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.lb_tgtenddate -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.cb_tgtenddate -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.lb_seqname -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.cb_seqname -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .fttl -columnspan 2
grid .fsrc .ftgt -sticky n
grid .fbot -columnspan 2
proc chooseSrcTable {} {
tk_messageBox -message "Choose source table" -type ok
proc chooseTgtTable {} {
tk_messageBox -message "Choose target table" -type ok
proc run_gen_proc {} {
destroy .fttl
destroy .fbot
destroy .fsrc
destroy .ftgt
puts $::owbeg::G_PARTYID_LIST
proc tab_dlg_choose {} {
puts "[.jd.f.tree path get]"
destroy .jd
proc tree_dialog {} {
jdialog .jd
frame .jd.f
button .jd.f.butok -text OK -command "tab_dlg_choose"
.jd add .jd.f
jtree .jd.f.tree
.jd.f.tree node add root "OWB"
.jd.f.tree node add -1 "Tables"
.jd.f.tree node add -1 "Views"
.jd.f.tree node add 0 "T1"
.jd.f.tree node add 0 "T2"
.jd.f.tree node add 0 "T3"
.jd.f.tree node add 0 "T4"
.jd.f.tree node add 1 "T1"
.jd.f.tree node add 1 "T1"
.jd.f.tree node add 1 "T1"
.jd.f.tree node add 1 "T1"
pack .jd.f.butok -side bottom
pack .jd.f.tree -side top
.jd configure -modal 1 -visible 1
# tree_dialog
proc my_dialog {} {
namespace eval ::mydlgproc {}
set ::mydlgproc::newTab ""
set newt2 ""
jdialog .jd
frame .jd.f
button .jd.f.butok -text OK -command {puts $::mydlgproc::newTab ; set ::mydlgproc::newTab aa; destroy .jd;}
.jd add .jd.f
pack .jd.f.butok -side bottom
.jd configure -visible 1
vwait ::mydlgproc::newTab
set newt2 $::mydlgproc::newTab
namespace delete ::mydlgproc
return $newt2
set currContext [OMBDCC]
set currCtxType [lindex $currContext 0]
set currContext [lindex $currContext 1]
#check current context type?
set tgtTableList [OMBLIST TABLES]
set ::owbeg::V_MAP_NAME MAP_TEST
set ::owbeg::P_SRC_TABLE [file join $currContext [lindex $tgtTableList 0]]
set ::owbeg::G_PARTYID_LIST bk1
set ::owbeg::P_TGT_TABLE [file join $currContext [lindex $tgtTableList 0]]
set ::owbeg::G_DET_PARTYID_LIST partyid
set ::owbeg::G_DET_STARTDATE_NAME start_date
set ::owbeg::G_DET_FINALDATE_NAME end_date
set ::owbeg::P_HISTID_SEQ seq_1
set tgtTableColumns [OMBRETRIEVE TABLE '$::owbeg::P_TGT_TABLE' GET COLUMNS]
wm title . "Parameters for SCD2 mapping generator"
frame .fttl
frame .fbot
frame .fsrc
frame .ftgt
label .fttl.lb_mapname -text "Mapping name"
entry .fttl.entr_mapname -textvariable ::owbeg::V_MAP_NAME -width 40
grid .fttl.lb_mapname
grid .fttl.entr_mapname
button .fbot.butok -text "Generate" -command "run_gen_proc"
grid .fbot.butok
label .fsrc.lb_srctab -text "Source table"
button .fsrc.but_srctab -text "Choose" -command "chooseSrcTable"
entry .fsrc.entr_srctab -textvariable ::owbeg::P_SRC_TABLE -width 25
label .fsrc.lb_srcbuskey -text "BusinessKey column"
jcombobox .fsrc.cb_srcbuskey -variable ::owbeg::G_PARTYID_LIST -width 10
eval ".fsrc.cb_srcbuskey item append $tgtTableColumns"
grid .fsrc.lb_srctab .fsrc.but_srctab -sticky wn
grid .fsrc.entr_srctab -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .fsrc.lb_srcbuskey -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .fsrc.cb_srcbuskey -columnspan 2 -sticky w
label .ftgt.lb_tgttab -text "Target table"
button .ftgt.but_tgttab -text "Choose" -command "chooseTgtTable"
entry .ftgt.entr_tgttab -textvariable ::owbeg::P_TGT_TABLE -width 25
label .ftgt.lb_tgtbuskey -text "BusinessKey column"
jcombobox .ftgt.cb_tgtbuskey -variable ::owbeg::G_DET_PARTYID_LIST -width 10
eval ".ftgt.cb_tgtbuskey item append $tgtTableColumns"
label .ftgt.lb_tgthistid -text "Dimension key column"
jcombobox .ftgt.cb_tgthistid -variable ::owbeg::G_DET_HISTID_NAME -width 10
eval ".ftgt.cb_tgthistid item append $tgtTableColumns"
label .ftgt.lb_tgtstrtdate -text "Start date column"
jcombobox .ftgt.cb_tgtstrtdate -variable ::owbeg::G_DET_STARTDATE_NAME -width 10
eval ".ftgt.cb_tgtstrtdate item append $tgtTableColumns"
label .ftgt.lb_tgtenddate -text "End date column"
jcombobox .ftgt.cb_tgtenddate -variable ::owbeg::G_DET_ENDDATE_NAME -width 20
eval ".ftgt.cb_tgtenddate item append $tgtTableColumns"
label .ftgt.lb_seqname -text "Dimension key sequence"
jcombobox .ftgt.cb_seqname -variable ::owbeg::P_HISTID_SEQ -width 20
eval ".ftgt.cb_seqname item append $tgtSeqList"
grid .ftgt.lb_tgttab .ftgt.but_tgttab -sticky w
grid .ftgt.entr_tgttab -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.lb_tgtbuskey -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.cb_tgtbuskey -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.lb_tgthistid -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.cb_tgthistid -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.lb_tgtstrtdate -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.cb_tgtstrtdate -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.lb_tgtenddate -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.cb_tgtenddate -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.lb_seqname -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .ftgt.cb_seqname -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid .fttl -columnspan 2
grid .fsrc .ftgt -sticky n
grid .fbot -columnspan 2
proc chooseSrcTable {} {
tk_messageBox -message "Choose source table" -type ok
proc chooseTgtTable {} {
tk_messageBox -message "Choose target table" -type ok
proc run_gen_proc {} {
destroy .fttl
destroy .fbot
destroy .fsrc
destroy .ftgt
puts $::owbeg::G_PARTYID_LIST
proc tab_dlg_choose {} {
puts "[.jd.f.tree path get]"
destroy .jd
proc tree_dialog {} {
jdialog .jd
frame .jd.f
button .jd.f.butok -text OK -command "tab_dlg_choose"
.jd add .jd.f
jtree .jd.f.tree
.jd.f.tree node add root "OWB"
.jd.f.tree node add -1 "Tables"
.jd.f.tree node add -1 "Views"
.jd.f.tree node add 0 "T1"
.jd.f.tree node add 0 "T2"
.jd.f.tree node add 0 "T3"
.jd.f.tree node add 0 "T4"
.jd.f.tree node add 1 "T1"
.jd.f.tree node add 1 "T1"
.jd.f.tree node add 1 "T1"
.jd.f.tree node add 1 "T1"
pack .jd.f.butok -side bottom
pack .jd.f.tree -side top
.jd configure -modal 1 -visible 1
# tree_dialog
proc my_dialog {} {
namespace eval ::mydlgproc {}
set ::mydlgproc::newTab ""
set newt2 ""
jdialog .jd
frame .jd.f
button .jd.f.butok -text OK -command {puts $::mydlgproc::newTab ; set ::mydlgproc::newTab aa; destroy .jd;}
.jd add .jd.f
pack .jd.f.butok -side bottom
.jd configure -visible 1
vwait ::mydlgproc::newTab
set newt2 $::mydlgproc::newTab
namespace delete ::mydlgproc
return $newt2
Hi ,
ReplyDeleteHope you are going well ,
I want to use JTcl/Swang for a commericial-project
I'm trying to find people for this case , contact me if you are interested ..we shall discuss