Friday, May 11, 2012

Release 0.0.5 of map_reconstruct script

New release of map_reconstruct script now supports new feature of lookup operator in OWB11g R2:
- multiple input and output groups in single lookup operator
- all types for selecting single row ("Multiple Match Rows" section in lookup configuration wizard)

SCD2 lookup currently is not supported

Download from OWBLand Sourceforge project


  1. Hi Oleg

    I used your previous version of the code before which worked fine. However in this version I get an error when I try to use it as follows

    Error in script!
    can't read "joinerAttrMap(B75A2F0B079208AEE0440017A4770C2E)": no such element in
    while executing
    "set outAttrExpr $joinerAttrMap($outUOID)"
    ("if" then script line 4)
    invoked from within
    "if {$flg_11gR2>=0} {
    # script run under OWB11g R2
    set outUOID [OMBRETRIEVE MAPPING '$mapName' OPERATOR '$opName' GROUP '$out
    Group' ATTRIBUTE..."
    ("foreach" body line 2)
    invoked from within
    "foreach outAttr $outAttrs {
    if {$flg_11gR2>=0} {
    # script run under OWB11g R2
    set outUOID [OMBRETRIEVE MAPPING '$mapName' OPERATOR '$opN..."
    (procedure "gen_op_JOINER" line 39)
    invoked from within
    "gen_op_JOINER $fileHandle $mapName $opName "
    ("JOINER" arm line 1)
    invoked from within
    "switch $opType {
    AGGREGATOR { gen_op_AGGR $fileHandle $mapName $opName }
    CONSTANT { gen_op_CONST $fileHandle $mapName $..."
    (procedure "gen_add_operator" line 47)
    invoked from within
    "gen_add_operator $rf $mapName $opName"
    ("foreach" body line 2)
    invoked from within
    "foreach opName $opList {
    gen_add_operator $rf $mapName $opName

    Also, what if my mapping has TEMPORARY STAGING TABLES ( unbound tables used in the mapping with property "Temp staging table" ticked)

    Thanks a lot for all your work

    1. Hi Bharadwaj,
      I guess that you run script under 11g R2 OWB release.
      Please confirm this.

      Currently map_reconstruct doesn't support unbound tables, but it the first thing which I want implement in the nearest future

  2. Hi Oleg
    Yes True. I am using OWB 11g R2. Sorry did not realise this.
